
Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2016

Τὸ Ντονμπᾶς ἐνοχλεῖ τὸ facebook!!!

Τὸ facebook  μπλόκαρε σελίδα ἐνημερώσεως ἀπὸ τὸ Ντονμπάς, γὴν ῥωσσόφωνη περιοχὴ τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς Οὐκρανίας, καθὼς καὶ τὸ προφὶλ τοῦ ὑπευθύνου της!!!

Τὸ Ντονμπᾶς ἐνοχλεῖ τὸ facebook!!!

Τοὺς ναζιστὲς Οὐκρανοὺς καὶ τοὺς ἀποκεφαλιστὲς σαλαφιστὲς στὴν Συρία καὶ στὸ Ἰρὰκ δὲν τοὺς ἔχουν πάρει μυρωδιὰ τέσσερα χρόνια τώρα…!!!

Παπανικολάου Σωτήρης

Facebook bans DONi Donbass News Agency site – Information blockade widens in West
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 – 12:35
Facebook has censored a popular, accreditated and
officially supported DONi Donbass International News Agency main FB-site on Tuesday 1.3. evening. Banning of DONi was done in the midst of harsh escalation of the armed conflict in Donbass, and it happened just after the press conference which had been held in the Lugansk capital, where opening of the new DONi Lugansk branch was announced by the Director and Chief-Editor Janus Putkonen. Also Putkonen’s personal FB-account was frozen for the coming three days.

FB closed the official DONi news page having accused DONi News Agency of breaking FB-rules and we are charged with “spreading hatespeech”. DONi Director’s personal FB-account was frozen under the same pretext. “I am amazed, I haven’t heard before about any official news agency site banned from Facebook”, said the Director of DONi News.”Was this done only because we keep widening our news coverage from Donbass?”


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